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History of the Institute

INSTITUTE OF AGROECOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT OF NAAS – Ukraine’s leading research institution to determine the scientific basis of state policy in the field of agroecology, economics nature management and environmental protection. The institute is engaged in systematic observations of natural resources of the agricultural sphere, comprehensive assessment of their condition, development of ecological and economic bases of mechanisms for the balanced development of agricultural production, land use and rural areas, including taking into account climate change.

The Institute is the main institution of the Scientific and Methodological Center “Agroecology” and conducts comprehensive research in all climatic zones of Ukraine, which includes basic and applied research on agri-environmental monitoring, including means of remote sensing of the Earth, ecological safety, ecological and economic assessment of agrosphere resources, study of ecological condition of special purpose lands (special raw material zones, rural areas, nature reserves in the Pan-European Ecological Network), scientific support of agro-industrial production in radiation-contaminated territories and areas that have been man-made, etc.

According to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the order of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine, the Institute is an authorized research institution that analyzes materials and prepares agri-environmental justification for compliance of agricultural lands with the status of special raw materials. zones. The Institute is a member of the National Association of Producers of Baby Food, Dairy and Juice Products “Ukrkonservmoloko”.

The Institute is included in the list of research institutions and organizations that conduct state testing of drugs of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine.

The Institute is active in international activities – it is a member of 4 international organizations: Cost Action FA 0905, the Federation of European Microbiological Societies, the World Wide Fund for Nature, the International Union for Conservation of Nature and maintains close ties with scientific institutions of the Russian Federation, Belarus, Lithuania, Poland, Hungary, Germany, Serbia and others. Within the framework of the National Agri-Food Platform, as a partner of the network of the European Technology Platform “Food for Life”, a cluster “Agroecology: food chain and environment” has been created on the basis of the Institute.

Much attention at the Institute is paid to the training of scientific personnel. In 2006-2013, 228 postgraduate and doctoral students were trained through postgraduate and doctoral studies. Two specialized scientific councils for the defense of dissertations for the degree of candidate and doctor of sciences (agricultural, biological, economic sciences) are successfully functioning.

The Institute is the founder and publisher of two professional periodicals: “Agroecological Journal” and “Balanced Nature Management”, which are included in the list SAC of Ukraine and included in international information and scientometric databases.

Since 2006 the staff of the Institute has prepared more than 30 monographs, textbooks, reference books, about 100 guidelines, received 32 patents of Ukraine and copyright certificates, published 1115 scientific articles . 25 national and international conferences, 65 round tables and scientific seminars were organized and held.

Аor the period 2011 2015 pp . The Institute is the main institution and coordinator of research of two x research programs of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine:

03 Ecological safety of agro-industrial production (“Agroecology”):

  • monitoring of agrosphere resources;
  • environmental safety in crop and livestock production;
  • environmentally safe use of agrochemicals and rehabilitation of contaminated soils;
  • radioecological monitoring and revival of agricultural production in radioactively contaminated areas;
  • biological bases of agrotechnology assessment and scientific substantiation of measures to reduce the negative impact on agrocenosis.