Monday-Thursday: 9:00 – 18:00
Friday: 9:00 – 16:46
Saturday - Sunday: weekend
Institute of Agroecology and Environmental Management of NAAS – the leading scientific research institution in Ukraine for determining the scientific foundations of state policy in the field of agroecology, environmental economics and environmental protection. The Institute is engaged in systematic monitoring of natural resources of the agricultural sphere, comprehensive assessment of their condition, development of ecological and economic foundations of mechanisms for the implementation of balanced development of agricultural production, land use and rural areas, including climate change as well.
The Institute is the main institution of the Scientific and Methodological Center "Agroecology" and is responsible for comprehensive research in all natural climatic zones of Ukraine, which include fundamental and applied research on agroecological monitoring, including means of remote sensing of the Earth, ecological safety, ecological and economic assessment of agricultural resources, study of the ecological condition of special purpose lands (special raw material zones, rural areas, nature reserves in the structure of the Pan-European eco-network), scientific support for agro-industrial production in radiation-contaminated territories and territories that have been affected by technogenic influence, etc.
According to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the order of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine, the Institute is an authorized scientific research institution that analyzes materials and prepares an agro-ecological justification for the suitability of agricultural lands of raw material producers for the status of special raw material zones. The Institute is included in the list of research institutions and organizations that conduct state tests of preparations of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine.
The Institute takes an active part in international activities - it is a member of 4 international organizations: Cost Action FA 0905, the Federation of European Microbiological Societies, the World Wide Fund for Nature, the International Union for Conservation of Nature and maintains close ties with scientific institutions of Lithuania, Poland, Hungary, Germany, Serbia, etc. Within the framework of the National "Agro-Environmental Platform", as a network partner of the "Food for Life" European Technology Platform, the cluster "Agroecology: food chain and natural environment" was created on the basis of the Institute.
Considerable attention is paid at the Institute to the training of scientific personnel - post-graduate students and doctoral students. The institute has two specialized academic councils for the defense of dissertations for obtaining the scientific degree of Ph.d and doctor of sciences (agricultural, biological, economic sciences).
The Institute is the founder and publisher of two specialist periodicals: "Agroecological Journal" and "Balanced Nature Using", which are included in the list of the State Attestation Commission of Ukraine and included in international information and scientometric databases.
The Institute is the main institution and coordinator of scientific research of 4 scientific research programs of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine:
6 - Environmental safety of agro-industrial production in conditions of climate change ("Ecological safety of the agrosphere");
7 - Satellite agroecological monitoring, argoresource management and forecasting the impact of climate change on the productivity of agroecosystems ("Agrospace");
28 - Selection, production, use of medicinal, essential oil and spicy-aromatic raw materials ("Essential oil, medicinal and spicy-aromatic plants);
37 - Balanced agricultural production and nature management of Ukraine ("Economics of nature management").
Scientific developments of the Institute are widely implemented in agricultural production and the educational process in higher educational institutions of an agrarian and ecological profile, are used by specialists of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine, the State Environmental Inspection of Ukraine, etc.