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Department of landscape protection, conservation of biodiversity and nature preservation

Head of Department
Konishchuk Vasyl Vasyliovych

doctor of biological sciences

In order to effectively carry out applied and basic research from January 1, 2014 at the Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management NAAS established a scientific department Landscape Protection, Biodiversity Conservation and Nature Preservation , which was launched earlier (founded in 2006, in 2008 – Department of Nature Management, Environmental Protection and Research Economics, 2010 – Department of Nature Management and Environmental Protection). The department is part of the Department of Environmental Economics.
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ServicesAchievementsNDRPublicationsCollaborationDevelopments and CertificatesResearch
  • Substantiation of balanced development of the agrosphere and effective protection of the natural environment.
  • Preparation of proposals for the development of the agro-industrial complex taking into account the criteria of environmental safety.
  • Methodological bases of optimal functioning of autochthonous biogeocenoses, agrolandscapes.
  • Conceptual provisions for sustainable development, nature management, protection of wetlands, peat, meadows, forest ecosystems, as well as rural areas.
  • Nature conservation, eco-network development, background monitoring and biodiversity conservation.

The department performs fundamental, applied, exploratory research topics.

Environmental (eco-sociological) aspects are inherent in all areas, their implementation is facilitated by cooperation agreements with the State Agency of Forest Resources, nature reserves, national nature parks, the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine, as well as the curatorial research station -New “named after F.E. Falz-Fein NAAS.

Implemented projects: “Study of migration and behavior of radionuclides in the chain” soil-plant-animal “and construction of mathematical models for forecasting the radioecological situation in ecosystems of Ukrainian Polissya” DR №0109U008 (2008), “Development of a list of regionally rare animals in need of protection in Kyiv region ”DR №0111U007688 (2011),“ Development of a list of regionally rare, endangered species of plants and fungi in need of protection in Kyiv region ”DR №0111U007689 (2011),“ Rationale for balanced development of peat production industry taking into account environmental criteria (on the example of the state enterprise “Volyntorf”) “DR №0111U007690 (2011),” Estimation of entropy, hemerobia of peat ecosystems and their rehabilitation (guidelines) “DR №0112U007379 (2012) certification of wetlands, peatlands and drained lands of Ukraine “DR №0112U007380 (2012),” Encyclopedic reference book: Ecology of wetlands and peatlands “DR №0112U0 07381 (2012), “Certification of ecological status of hydroecosystems and peatlands (scientific and practical guidelines)” DR №0114U005334 (2014), “Protection and management of wetlands guidelines” DR №0114U005333 (2014) “Agroecological zoning (methodological recommendations)” DR №0114U005335 (2014), “Project for the organization of the Cheremsky Nature Reserve and protection of its natural complexes (scientific justification) for 2016-2025.” DR №0115U005811 (2015), “Development of projects for the creation of territories and objects of the nature reserve fund of local significance and organization of their territories” (Kyiv region) DR №0115U005591 (2015), “Determination of areas where it is planned creation of representative and interconnected protected areas by 2020 ”(Kyiv region) DR №0115U004575 (2015),“ Scientific substantiation – Draft limit on the use of natural resources in the State Organization “Belozerske Forestry” (2015), “Guidelines for the conservation of biotic diversity of ichthyofauna and hydrohelophytes of the mouths of the rivers Pripyat, Uzh, Teteriv (Kyiv region)” DR №0115U006595 (2015), “Guidelines for determining the ecological entropy, hemerobia, energy of swamps and peatlands” 0115U006594 (2015), “Encyclopedic reference book: ecology of wetlands and peatlands” DR №0115U006593 (2015), “Concept and strategy of sustainable development of wetland landscapes and peatlands” x ecosystems »DR №0115U006596 (2015).

The research was related to the implementation of the Program №1240 “International Cooperation in Environmental Protection, Promotion of Sustainable Development, Environmental Education and Dissemination of Environmental Information” of the Ministry of Environmental Protection of Ukraine (2009), preparation of materials of the Prodromus of Vegetation of Ukraine according to the principles of ecological and floristic classification Brown-Blanke at the Institute of Botany. M.G. Kholodny National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (2009–2012), implementation of the project “Paleoecological studies of Wetlands in the context of global climate change” with the financial support of the Bohdan Havrylyshyn Charitable Foundation (2011–2012), preparation of Chronicle of Nature Reserves of the National Reserve Fund importance, the formation of the Pan-European Ecological Network within the Polissya Eco-Corridor (2000-2015). Scholarships for young scientists of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (2010–2011) were awarded for research. The work on ecological certification of wetlands is being carried out, the Polissya Ecological Convention is being substantiated. Peat bogs, Herbarium are formed. The creation of the Chornobyl Radioecological Biosphere Reserve, Kreminan Forests National Nature Park has been initiated. Received the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology in 2014: Gavrilyuk MM, Zaryshnyak AS, Hrynyk IV, Furdychko OI, Rybalka OI, Kindruk MO ., Korniychuk OV, Likhochvor VV, Stadnyk AP, Kalenyk PV for a series of scientific papers “Formation of balanced agroecosystems for the production of national seeds of winter wheat” (Decree of the President of Ukraine №686 from December 8, 2015).

Fundamental, applied, exploratory research work of the Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS: “Methodological foundations of sustainable development of wetland landscapes and peat ecosystems” DR №0111U003228 (2011-2015), “Develop a method Research work on contractual topics:

Development of a list of regionally rare, endangered species of animals in need of protection in Kyiv region. DR №0111U007688, 2011 (head: Konishchuk VV);

Development of a list of regionally rare, endangered species of plants and fungi that need protection in the Kiev region. DR №0111U007689, 2011 (head: Konishchuk VV);

Substantiation of balanced development of peat extraction industry taking into account environmental criteria (on the example of the state enterprise “Volyntorf”). DR №0111U007690, 2011 (head: Konishchuk VV);

Project of organization of the territory of Cheremsky nature reserve and protection of its natural complexes (scientific substantiation) for 2016–2025 DR №0115U005811, 2015 (head: Konishchuk VV);

Development of projects for the creation of territories and objects of the nature reserve fund of local significance and the organization of their territories “(Kyiv region). DR №0115U005591, 2015, (head: Konishchuk VV);

Identification of territories where it is planned to create representative and interconnected protected areas by 2020 (Kyiv region). DR №0115U004575, 2015, (head: Konishchuk VV);

Scientific substantiation of the project of creation of a resort of local value “Sandstone and adjacent territories”. 2016, (head: Konishchuk VV);

Phytosociological analysis of hydroecosystems of NPP “Northern Podillya”. 2017, (head: Konishchuk VV);

Scientific substantiation of the creation of the national nature park “Kreminski Forests”, DR №0117U006700, 2017, (head: Konishchuk VV);

Environmental impact assessment of the resort of local significance “Sand and adjacent areas”. DR №0119U003013, 2019, (head: Konishchuk VV);

Ecological environmental impact assessment of Tuchynske Research Farm. DR №0119U001964, 2019, (head: Konishchuk VV);

Ecological passport of the State Enterprise “Research Farm of the Rice Institute of NAAS”. 2019, (head: Konishchuk VV);

Ecological environmental impact assessment of agricultural activity of the State Enterprise “Experimental Farm Skvyrske IAP NAAS”. DR №0119U103768, 2019, (head: Konishchuk VV).
Head of the department Konishchuk VV author and co-author of more than 250 scientific papers (manuals, copyright certificates, collections, articles in professional journals, abstracts, publications in the press, documentaries), monographs, reference book “Nature Reserve Fund of Ukraine”, Ecological Atlas of Ukraine, Ecological Encyclopedia, third edition Red Book of Ukraine. One of the authors of the development of the scheme of the Pan-European Ecological Network of Polissya. He has participated in UNESCO’s MAB environmental projects, the United Nations Development Program and the Global Environment Facility. For the first time he presented the concept of balanced development of wetlands and peatlands, developed the theoretical principles of wetland science. Member of the Academic Council, Methodical Commission of the Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS. Member of the scientific and technical councils of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine, Shatsk National Nature Park, Cheremsky Nature Reserve. Scientific curator of the Askania-Nova Biosphere Reserve named after F.E. Falz-Fein NAAS, NAAS Medicinal Plant Research Station. Member of the Natural Heritage Sector of the National Commission of Ukraine for UNESCO, Ramsar Council of Ukraine. Member of the Technical Committee for Standardization №175 “Sustainable Development of Society”. Member of the Specialized Scientific Councils for the defense of dissertations in “ ecology ” at the Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management NAAS, State Ecological Academy of Postgraduate Education and Management of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine. He studied at the refresher courses of scientists at the Nikitsky Botanical Garden of NAAS (Yalta), the National Research Center “Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry. O.N. Sokolovsky NAAS ”(Kharkiv), National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Water Problems and Land Reclamation NAAS (Kyiv), International Institute of Innovations“ Science – Education – Development ”(Warsaw, Poland). Scientific schools: ecology of wetlands and peatlands, geology; ecososology (environmental protection and biodiversity conservation). Head and executor of basic, applied research. Supervisor, consultant to graduate students, doctoral students. Initiator of creation of objects of the nature reserve fund of Ukraine. Founder and Chairman of the public organization Ecological Association “Western Polissya – Wetlands” (Volyn region). Member of the All-Ukrainian public organization “Association of Agroecologists of Ukraine”. Chairman of the Committee on Nature Reserve Fund and Ecological Network of the Public Council of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine (Ministry of Energy and Environmental Protection of Ukraine). Distinctions, awards: diplomas, certificates, certificates of commendation, gratitude of research institutions, universities, departments, state administrations. He was awarded the watch of the Chairman of the State Agency of Forest Resources of Ukraine, awarded Diplomas, Acknowledgments of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine, the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine. Scholar of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, laureate of the Prize of the President of Ukraine for young scientists.

Employees of the department are the founders and members of the Technical Committee 175 “Sustainable Development of Society”.

The department trains graduate students, doctoral students, teaches scientific disciplines, conducts practical, laboratory classes.

Researchers are members of specialized scientific councils K 26.880.02, D 26.371.01, Scientific councils of the Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS, Biosphere Reserve “Askania-Nova them. F.E. Falz-Fein ”NAAS, scientific and technical councils of Cheremsky, Drevlyansky nature reserves, Shatsk National Nature Park, Ministry of Energy and Environmental Protection of Ukraine.

Since 2016, the department has been implementing IPA 41 “Ecological and economic principles of balanced agricultural production and use of natural resources of the agricultural sphere” (Economics of Nature Management), in particular:

Tasks of basic research <<> Implementation of the pan-European integrated system of ecological management of agrolandscapes and conservation of biodiversity in Ukraine »DR № 0116U004064 (2016–2020) (supervisor – Dr. Konishchuk VV . ).

Monographs, tutorials

Phytodiversity of Ukrainian Polissya and its protection / [Andrienko TL, VA Onishchenko,…, Konishchuk VV etc.]; ed. T.L. Andrienko. – Kyiv: Phytosocial Center, 2006. – 316 p.

Shatsky National Nature Park / [V. Voytiuk, V. Ralo, [[], V. Konishchuk and others. – Lutsk: RVV “Tower”, 2007. – 40 p.

Konishchuk VV Cheremsky nature reserve / VV Konishchuk // Ecological encyclopedia: in 3 volumes / [Editorial Board: A.V. Tolstoukhov (ed.)]. – Kyiv: Center for Environmental Education and Information, 2007. – Vol. 3. – P. 363–364.

Nature Reserve Fund of Ukraine: territories and objects of national importance / [Alekhin OO, Andreychuk VM, Konishchuk VV etc.]. – Kyiv: Center for Environmental Education and Information, 2009. – 332 p.

Protected areas of Ukraine. This is my Ukraine: Photo album / [V. Pylypyuk, M. Beskorovany, V. Konishchuk,… and others]. – Vol. 3, 2009. Lviv: Light and Shadow. – 272 p.

Protection and Management of the Bug River as an ecological Corridor in the Pan European Ecological Network (Final Report BBI) MATRA project 2006/015. / [H. Zingstra, V. Simeonova, K. Kitnaes, V. Kostiushin, T. Petzold, J. Krogulec, N. Rybianets, V. Konishchuk, A. Breymeyer, T. Zan, W. Duklewski] ISBN: 978-90-8585- 484-5. – 2009. – 51 p. [http://www.cdi.wur.nl / NR / rdonlyres / 66764817-54E3-4DCB-BD4F-806B403 F892C / 103138 / Final Report Bug River 2009. pdf].

Ecological atlas of Ukraine / [V.V. Konishchuk], illustrations, photos. – Kyiv: Center for Environmental Education and Information, 2009. – 104 p.

Physico-chemical bases of emergencies: Textbook (recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine) / A.Ye. Guy, O.O. Wolf, P.O. Korchagin, VD Savitsky, TM Egorov. – К .: Вид-во «НАУ – друк», 2009. – 230 с.

Egorova TM Landscape ecology of Ukraine (geochemical aspects): textbook / Т.М. Egorov. – Kamyanets-Podilsky: Published by PE Zavoleyko VG, 2009. – 192 p.

Andrienko TL Bearded sprout Jovibarba sobolifera (Sims.) Opiz / Т.Л. Andrienko, VV Konishchuk, SM Panchenko // Red Book of Ukraine. Flora / [ed. J.P. Didukha]. – K .: Globalconsulting, 2009. – P. 414.

Introduction to methodological geology (in 2 volumes) / G.I. Rudko… Т.М. Egorova… and others. – К .: Академпрес, 2010. – Т.2. – 448 p.

Current issues of botany and ecology. Proceedings of the International Conference of Young Scientists (Berezne, Rivne region, August 9-13, 2011) / [ed. count. E.L. Кордюм, О.В. Бурова, В.В. Konishchuk and others]. – К: Лазурит-Поліграф, 2011. – 264 с.

Phytodiversity of reserves and national natural parks of Ukraine. Part 1. Biosphere reserves. Natural reserves / [Collective of authors: Andrienko TL, Antosyak TM,… Konishchuk VV etc.)]; ed. V.A. Onishchenko and TL Andrienko. – Kyiv: Phytosocial Center, 2012. – 406 p.

Fundamentals of agrolandscape management of Ukraine: monograph / О.І. Furdichko, AP Stadnik. – К .: Аграрна наука, 2012. – 384 с.

The concept of balanced development of wetlands and peatlands / [Bondar OI, Konishchuk VV, Pronevich VA] // Scientific bases of sustainable development of agroecosystems of Ukraine. Scientific and methodological bases of balanced nature management in agro-industrial production. Volume 2. Monograph / Ed. OI Furdichka. – Kyiv: DIA, 2012. – P. 157-171.

Ecology of hydroecosystems: Textbook / [O.I. Bondar, V.V. Konishchuk]. – Kherson: Oldi-plus, 2013. – 316 p.

Ecology of wetlands and peatlands (collection of scientific articles) / [Editor-in-Chief VV Konishchuk]. – Kyiv: DIA, 2013. – 300 p.

Ecology of wetlands and peatlands (collection of scientific articles) / [Editor-in-Chief VV Konishchuk]. – Kyiv: LLC NVP “Interservice”, 2014. – 300 p.

Konishchuk VV, Pronevich VA, Egorova TM, Shumigay IV Ecological bases of balanced development of landscapes of wetlands and peatlands / Monograph // Editor-in-Chief VV Konishchuk. – Kyiv: DIA, 2015. – 190 p.

Konishchuk VV Geology (swamp science with the basics of peat science). Tutorial. – Kyiv: DIA, 2015. – 200 p.

Konishchuk VV Peat bogs. Monograph. – Kyiv: DIA, 2015. – 207 p.

Konishchuk VV Encyclopedic reference book: ecology of wetlands and peatlands. – Kyiv: DIA, 2015. – 150 p.

Ecological and economic bases of balanced development of agrosphere of Kyiv region: monograph / edited by Acad. OI Furdichka. – К .: ДІА, 2015. – 736 с.

Rational use and restoration of water resources. Monograph / For the general. ed. Feshchenko VP // Konishchuk VV Section 8. Scientific bases of balanced development of wetlands and peatlands of Ukraine. – Zhytomyr: ZhSU named after I. Franko, 2016. – P. 104–118.

Agrolandscapes. Biodiversity. Econetwork. (Scientific handbook. Textbook) / В.В. Konishchuk, TM Egorova, IV Shumigay, D.M. Postoenko. – Kyiv: IAP NAAS // Electronic edition. PDF, 2018. – 258 p.

Dubina DV, Dzyuba TP, Yemelyanova SN, Bagrikova NO, Borisova OV, Borsukevich LM, Vinokurov DS, Gapon SV, Gapon Yu .V., Davydov DA, Dvoretsky TV, Didukh JP, Zhmud OI, Kozyr MS, Konishchuk VV, Kuzemko AA, Pashkevich NA ., Riff LE, Co

Methodological, scientific and practical recommendations

Recommendations for conducting environmental monitoring of water resources of the agrosphere of Ukraine / S.I. Алимов, А.С. Panasyuk – K .: 2010. – 22 p.

Methodical recommendations for improving the natural reproduction of fish / S.I. Алимов, А.С. Panasyuk, D.M. Postoenko. – К .: ЦОП «Глобус». – 2012. – 23 p.

Drainage of forest lands / OI Bondar, V.V. Konishchuk, MD Kuchma, VP Landin, N.W. Tsuman. – State Ecological Academy of Postgraduate Education and Management, Kyiv, 2012. – 50 p.

Methods of creating a list of regionally rare species of mycobiota, flora, fauna (on the example of Kyiv region) / V.V. Konishchuk, SL Mosyakin, P.M. Tsarenko, S.Ya. Кондратюк, О.В. Борисова, В.М. Virchenko, MP Pridyuk, TV Fitzsailo, G.G. Гаврись, В.М. Titar, T.W. Шупова; [main ed. V.V. Konishchuk]. – Kyiv: Globus, 2012. – 38 p.

Konishchuk VV Estimation of entropy, hemerobia of peat ecosystems and their rehabilitation / V.V. Konishchuk. – Kyiv: Globus, 2012. – 42 p.

Konishchuk VV Methods of paleoecological research of wetlands, peat deposits / V.V. Konishchuk. – Kyiv: Globus, 2012. – 20 p.

Methodical recommendations for crop production in the contaminated territories of Kyiv Polissya / О.І. Furdichko, G.M. Chobotko, VP Landin, M.D. Kuchma, G.P. Pankovska, VV Konishchuk, VV Frost, L.A. Raychuk, M.Yu. Tarariko, G.O. Хаурдинова, І.К. Shvidenko, GM Yakimenko, MG Василенко, Х.П. Zamula, VM Kuchma, IM Гудков, О.І. Dutov, VM Фещенко, В.В. Gurelya. – Kyiv: DIA, 2012. – 36 p.

Methodical recommendations for the creation and operation of collection herds of rare and endangered aboriginal fish species // Alimov SI, Bigun VK, Konishchuk VV, Panasyuk AS, Postoenko DM – К .: Глобус, 2013. – 24 с.

Scientific and methodological recommendations for economic assessment of ecological functions of protective plantations / [O.P. Марценюк, Т.М. Egorova, VV Moroz, O.A. Martinyuk]; for science. ed .. OI Furdichka. – Kyiv: DIA LLC, 2013. – 18 p.

Agroecological zoning (methodical recommendations) / [V.V. Konishchuk, TM Egorova, NB Miller]; Science. ed. OI Furdichko. – Kyiv: DIA LLC, 2014. – 44 p.

Protection and protection of wetlands (guidelines) / [Konishchuk VV, Bobrik IV, Bulgakov VP, Dementieva OI, Postoenko DM, Pronevich VA, Rudenko OM, Skakalskaya OI, Shumigay IV]; Science. ed. V.V. Konishchuk. – Kyiv: DIA LLC, 2014. – 40 p.

Methodical recommendations for the implementation of sustainable development in the forestry of the Carpathians / V.V. Lavrov, A.M. Bobko, M.Yu. Popkov, PV Matsiboruk, TM Egorova and others. – Kyiv: DIA LLC, 2014. – 50 p.

Certification of ecological status of hydroecosystems and peatlands (scientific and practical guidelines) / [Konishchuk VV, Bobryk IV, Bulgakov VP, Dementieva OI, Postoenko DM, Pronevich VA, Rudenko OM, Skakalska OI, Shumigay IV]; Science. ed. V.V. Konishchuk. – Kyiv: DIA LLC, 2014. – 16 p.

Konishchuk VV, Shumigay IV, Postoenko DM, Melnyk NB Methodical recommendations for the preservation of biotic diversity of ichthyofauna and hydrohelophytes of the mouths of the rivers Pripyat, Uzh, Teteriv (Kyiv region). – Kyiv: DIA, 2015. – 22 p.

Konishchuk VV Methodical recommendations for determining ecological entropy, hemerobia, energy of swamps and peatlands. – Kyiv: DIA, 2015. – 28 p.

Water strategy of Ukraine for the period up to 2025 (scientific bases) / Ya.M. Gadzalo, A.S. Zaryshnyak, MI Romashchenko…, VV Konishchuk, IV Shumigay and others. – К .: Компринт, 2015. – 46 с.

Konishchuk VV The concept and strategy of balanced development of wetland landscapes and peat ecosystems of Ukraine. – К .: ДІА, 2015. – 52 с.

Methodical recommendations for assessing phyto-, zooinvasiveness // Konishchuk VV, Shumigay IV, Koval SI, Sapsay TP, Postoenko DM, Melnyk NM // Editor-in-Chief, Doctor of Biological Sciences, VV Konishchuk. – Kyiv: DIA, 2017. – 36 p.

Methodical recommendations for improving measures for the protection and rational use of field hunting fauna of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine / [Novitsky VP, Landin VP, Konishchuk VV, Bilous VM, Minyailo AA, Debela O. AT.]. – К .: ДІА, 2017. – 22 с.


Supervision: Askania-Nova Biosphere Reserve F.E. Falz-Feina ”NAAS (Kherson region), Research plant of medicinal plants IAP NAAS (Poltava region), Cherkasy research station of bioresources NAAS (Cherkasy region).

< Agreements on scientific and creative cooperation : Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine, Institute of Botany. M.G. Cold National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Zoology. І.І. Schmalhausen National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Water Problems and Land Reclamation NAAS, State Ecological Academy of Postgraduate Education and Management, Educational and Research Center “Institute of Biology” of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Budget Institution “Methodological and Technological Center for Aquaculture”, National University Rivnetorf State Enterprise, Askania-Nova Biosphere Reserve named after F.E. Falz-Feina (Kherson region), Cheremsky nature reserve (Volyn region), Rivne nature reserve (Rivne region), Polissya nature reserve (Zhytomyr region), Dnipro-Oryol nature reserve (Dnipropetrovsk region), nature reserve Medobory ”(Ternopil region), Shatsk National Nature Park (Volyn region), Skoliv Beskydy National Nature Park (Lviv region), Kremenets Mountains National Nature Park, Kremenets Botanical Garden (Ternopil region), GNU“ Polesie Agrarian and Ecological Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (Brest, Belarus), Belarusian State University (Minsk, Belarus), Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “State University of Land Management” (Moscow, Russia), FGNU ” State Research Institute of Lake and River Fisheries of the Russian Federation ”(St. Petersburg, Russia).

International contacts: Tomsk State Pedagogical University, Laboratory of Agroecology (Tomsk, Russia), Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “State University of Land Management” (Moscow , RF), Polissya Agrarian and Ecological Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (Brest, Belarus), Institute of Experimental Botany. V.F. Kuprevich National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (Minsk, Belarus), Prybuzke Polissya Biosphere Reserve (Brest, Belarus), Geological Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Department of Groundwater Monitoring and Evaluation (Warsaw, Poland), Institute of Agrarian and Forest Environment , Institute of Dendrology of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Poznan, Poland), Maria Curie-Skłodowska University (Lublin, Poland), Institute of Botany, Laboratory of Landscape Ecology (Vilnius, Lithuania), Dresden University of Technology, Faculty of Forestry, Land and of Water Sciences (Dresden, Germany), Ramsar Convention Wetlands International (Wageningen, the Netherlands), Kobe Gakuin University (Japan), etc.

Relations with non-governmental organizations: Ecological Association “Western Polissya – Wetlands”, Ukrainian Society for the Protection of Birds, Ukrainian Botanical Society, National Ecological Council of Ukraine, All-Ukrainian Ecological League, National Ecological Center, Ukrainian Society for Nature Protection, Ukrainian Ecological Association “Green World”, All-Ukrainian NGO “Association of Agroecologists of Ukraine”, Radiobiological Society of Ukraine, NGO “Clean Wave”, Public Council of the State Agency of Fisheries of Ukraine, Public Council of State Resources Of Ukraine, Public Council of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine, etc.

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