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Department of Economics of Nature Management in the Agro-Sphere

Head of Department
Lazarenko Vladislav Igorovich
Doctor of Philosophy,
Chief Research Fellow
doctor of technical sciences, professor

Department of Agricultural Economics was established in 2011, which was caused by the objective need to strengthen the economic focus in agri-environmental research.
Scientific work of the department is currently aimed at the development and environmental and economic justification of mechanisms for nature management in the agricultural sector of the economy and rural development in Ukraine.
Scientific research is carried out in the following areas:

  • Organizational and economic principles of balanced agricultural production and use of natural resources of the agricultural sphere (Doctor of Economics, Senior Research Fellow Shkuratov OI);
  • Assessment of economic and legal aspects of the use of natural objects owned by the Ukrainian people (Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor OI Kovaliv);
  • Scientific substantiation of balanced development of rural areas of Ukraine in the context of European integration processes (Ph.D., Ph.D. Palapa NV);
ServicesAchievementsNDRPublicationsVideo StoryScientific and Practical Publications
  • comprehensive independent assessment of the causal aspects of ongoing land reforms in Ukraine and in specific districts and local councils;
  • development of the concept, programs and effective measures for land reform in Ukraine as a new paradigm at the national level and in terms of regions and territorial communities;
  • substantiation of economic mechanisms for obtaining balanced rental income (income), including for the benefit of society;
  • economic assessment of the ecological effect due to the improvement of land relations and nature management;
  • substantiation, assessment and preparation of recommendations on the effectiveness of environmental measures in the agricultural sector and the development of investment projects, including the formation of land use;
  • organization and holding of thematic seminars, round tables, trainings, public discussions, press conferences and other public events on the issues of rationalization of nature use in the agrosphere and improvement of the ecological condition of rural areas and living conditions;
  • agri-environmental justification for the possibility of granting the status of a special raw material zone.

Methodological approaches and tools for the creation and transfer of innovations in the field of agri-environment have been developed (2011-2013) № DR 0111U003542

Developed scientific and methodological approaches to innovative support for sustainable development of agro-industrial production (2011-2013) № DR 0111U003541

Scientific and methodological bases of economic assessment of innovative provision of ecosystem services in the agricultural sector (2014-2018) DR №0116u000701

The economic and legal aspects of the use of natural objects of property of the Ukrainian people (2019) were assessed № DR 0119U001089

Organizational and economic principles of ecologically balanced agricultural production (2018-2020) 01DR 0116U003298

Clarification of the main unregulated preconditions in Ukraine for the deterioration of the quality of natural objects in the agricultural sphere. ” (2020) № DR 0120U000146

  1. Kovalev OI We must see a comprehensive approach in terms of both national and state interests / OI Kovalev // Land Management Bulletin. – 2009. – №1. – P. 33.
  2. Kovalev OI National regulatory policy on a new rent basis / OI Kovalev // Economics of agro-industrial complex. – 2009. – № 3. – P. 94–102.
  3. Kovalev OI Balancing interests and streamlining of market land relations – the main tool of civilized mechanisms of nature / OI Kovalev // Science. Visn. Nat. University of Bioresources and Nature Management of Ukraine. – 2011. – Vip. 163. – Ch. 3. – P. 252–259. – (Series: economics, agrarian management, business).
  4. КоваливО.І. Ecological-economic and social directions of regulation of land relations and nature use at the present stage / OI Kovalev // Economist. – 2011. – № 10. – P. 31–33.
  5. Kovalev OI Impossibility of completion of land reforms without the implementation of appropriate state land management / OI Kovalev // Land Management and Cadastre. – 2012. – №1. – P. 19-30.
  6. КоваливО.І. Organizational and economic mechanism of ecological safety in the agricultural sector of the economy / O.I. Shkuratov, OI Kovalev // Sustainable economic development. – 2012. – № 2’2012 [12]. – P. 129-133 (Personal contribution: scientific substantiation of researches, formulation of conclusions: 0,18 um. Druk. Ark.) .
  7. Kovalev OI The main features of the economy of nature in the process of regulating land relations / OI Kovalev // Innovative economy. – 2012. – №4 – P. 262–265.
  8. Kovalev OI Some aspects of the new land policy in Ukraine and the need to implement state land management / O.I. Kovalev // Science. Visn. Nat. University of Bioresources and Nature Management of Ukraine. – 2012. – Vip. 169. – Ch. 2. – P. 131-138. – (Series: economics, agrarian management, business).
  9. Kovalev OI Some causal aspects of the started land reform in Ukraine (from own experience) / OI Kovaliv // Agrosvit. – 2013. – №6. – P. 5-10.
  10. Kovalev OI Denationalization of lands by their share – the first step in the implementation of land reform in Ukraine (from his own experience) / OI Kovalev // Agrosvit. – 2013. – №7. – P. 20-27.
  11. Kovalev OI The key to state success – in the National Chamber / OI Kovalev // Investment, practice, experience. – 2013. – №9. – P. 87–90.
  12. КоваливО.І. Scientifically substantiated by the size and structure of land tenure and land use – the basis of rural development / OI Kovalev // Land Management and Cadastre. – 2013. – №2. – P. 18–24.
  13. Kovalev OI Acceleration of reforming the agricultural sector of the economy by the Decree of the President of Ukraine (from his own experience) / OI Kovaliv // Agrosvit. – 2013. – №10. – P. 36-42.
  14. Kovalev OI The role of advising in the process of land reform in Ukraine / O.I. Kovalev // Science. Visn. Nat. University of Bioresources and Nature Management of Ukraine. – Kyiv: VC NULES Ukraine, 2013. – Issue. 181. – Part 2. – P. 15 –166. – (Series: economics, agrarian management, business).
  15. КоваливО.І. Development of rural territories in the context of functioning of scientifically substantiated agricultural land holdings and land uses / OI Kovalev // Balanced nature management. – 2013. – № 2- – P. 77-82.
  16. КоваливО.І. Scientifically substantiated features of the started land reform in Ukraine / OI Kovalev // Land Management Bulletin. – 2014. – № 1. – P. 19–23.
  17. КоваливА.И. Basic economic interests in the process of agricultural nature management / AI Kovaliv // Land of Belarus. – Minsk. – 2014. – № 1. – P. 19–23.
  18. Ковалив А.И. Modern state and prospects of development of organic agriculture in Ukraine / AI Kovaliv, VV Kiporenko // Problems of economy: collection. scientific tr .. – № 2 (19). – Minsk: Institute for Systemic Research in the APC of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 2014. – P. 61–72 (Personal contribution: problem statement, formulation of conclusions: 0.2 um. Druk. Ark. ). </ Li >
  19. Kovaliv OI Substantiation of ways of further development of land reform in Ukraine / OI Kovaliv // Land Management Bulletin. – 2014. – № 2. – P. 29–33.
  20. КоваливО.І. Principles of institutionalization of constitutional norms concerning land and its natural resources / OI Kovaliv // Balanced nature management. – 2015. – № – P. 67–74.
  21. Kovalev OI Peculiarities of land relations and nature use in the interests of the Ukrainian people [Electronic resource] / OI Kovaliv // Effective economy. – 2015. – №8. – Access mode: http://www.economy.nayka.com.ua/?op= 1 & amp; z = 4251 .
  22. Kovaliv OI Algorithm of land interests as the main prerequisite for land reform in Ukraine / OI Kovaliv // Balanced nature management. – 2015. – № – P. 96–105.
  23. КоваливО.І. Theoretical and methodological principles of reforming land relations and development of rural areas in Ukraine [Electronic resource] / OI Kovaliv // Effective economy. – 2016. – № 3. – Access mode: http: //www.economy.nayka. com.ua/?op=1&z=4843 .
  24. КоваливО.І. Basic principles of valuation of land and its natural resources – the main national wealth of Ukraine [Electronic resource] / OI Kovaliv // Effective economy. – 2016. – № 4. – Access mode: http: //www.economy.nayka. com.ua/?op=1&z=4904 .
  25. КоваливО.І. Some basic changes in the economy of nature in the process of land reform in Ukraine [Electronic resource] / O.I. Kovalev // Effective economy. – 2016. – № 5. – Access mode: http: // www. economy.nayka.com.ua/?op=1&z=4959&p=1
  26. КоваливО.І. Peculiarities of institutional support for land reform in Ukraine / OI Kovalev // Balanced nature management. – 2017. – № – P. 83–87.
  27. КоваливО.І. The main prerequisites for the institutionalization of constitutional norms regarding land and its natural resources / OI Kovalev // AgroTera. – 2017. – № 2 (3). – P. 27–30.
  28. КоваливО.І. Substantiation of the essence of forest ecosystems as natural objects of property rights of the Ukrainian people / OI Kovaliv, OI Botsula // Balanced nature management. – 2018. – № – P. 22–28.
  29. КоваливО.І. Special preconditions for further development of market land relations in agrolandscapes of Ukraine / OI Kovalev // Balanced nature management. – 2019. – № – P. 164–172.
  30. КоваливО.І. The essence of the constitutional formula for the protection of the rights of all subjects of property rights and management in the process of using natural objects of another’s property / OI Kovalev // Balanced nature management. – 2019. – № 4 – P. 87–100.

– Scientific papers;

Kovaliv OI Zvershennia zemelnoi reformy v Ukrainy: nova paradigma: monografia / Oleksander Kovaliv. – К .: ДІА, 2016. – 416 с.

VIDEO STORIES (lectures)

as of May 5, 2020

Oleksander Kovaliv

Degree: Doctor of Economics, specialty – Environmental Economics and Environmental Protection

Academic title: senior researcher associatein the specialty-Economics and Management of National Economy >

Position: Head of the Department of Agricultural Economics in Agrosphere of the Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS

E-mail: okovaliv@ukr.net Website: www.kovaliv. kiev.ua

Oleksandr Kovaliv , Honored Worker of Agriculture of Ukraine, Professional Expert Advisor in the field of land relations, land management, land management, environmental economics, environmental protection and rural development, author of a scientific monograph “Completing land reform in Ukraine: a new paradigm.” Passed professional internships in Sweden (1994) and the USA (1997).

Scientific-practical videos stories ( lectures )

Building a strong state governed by the rule of law can take place only if the Constitutional norms on land and its natural resources are fully implemented as natural objects of property of the Ukrainian people – the main national wealth under special state protection …
On October 23, 2018, I told about some features and factors of “Completion of land reform in Ukraine: a new paradigm” at a meeting at the Knowledge Society of Ukraine
In August 2019, I was invited to Ivano-Frankivsk on RAI TV to hear “A new look at land reform – Alexander Kovalev – for countrymen”
A new look at land reform – Alexander Kovalev – for compatriots in the Carpathians
Since many “fans” for the future of Ukrainian land, usually (consciously or not), talked and lulled the information space with a hybrid half-truth, forming unconstitutional socio-political sentiments among Ukrainians, there was a need direct communication…
A channel has been opened for this Oleksander Kovaliv ; on YouTube
Recommended SUBSCRIBE on the channel – Oleksandra Kovaliva < /strong>;
Two million dollars, not two hectares of land .. LAND TRUTH FROM ALEXANDER KOVALIV – 5-2020

Scientific and practical publications

in the national press for the last 5 years

Oleksander Kovaliv

Degree: Doctor of Economics in the specialty – Economics of Nature Management and Environmental Protection ;

Academic title: senior researcher associate in the specialty – Economics and Management of National Economy

Position: Head of the Department of Agricultural Economics in the Agrosphere of the Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS

Email: okovaliv@ukr.net Website: www.kovaliv.kiev. ua

Oleksandr Kovaliv – Honored Worker of Agriculture of Ukraine, Professional Expert Advisor in the field of land relations, land management, land management, environmental economics, environmental protection and rural development, author of the scientific monograph “Completing land reform in Ukraine: new paradigm”. Passed professional internships in Sweden (1994) and the USA (1997)

Popular science and practice articles for public discussion

on the implementation of: “ New Paradigm of Land Reform in Ukraine”, published in the national press of Ukraine in 2014-2020

In order to involve the general public, including concerned politicians, scientists and scientists in improving the state of state-building in terms of land relations and nature management in Ukraine, especially after the “Revolution of Dignity”, I covered this issue publicly in the national press, including:

Government Courier

Powers with resources are growing – 08 лип. 2014.

The Constitution bypassed chernozems – March 25. 2015

Who has the land – the power! – September 7. 2017

Mirror of the Week

Земельний диявол. How to lift the curse of land reform – September 23-30. 2017

Iz z zemelnomnoi garnatau v hands. Is there a recipe for overcoming the land crisis? – October 27. – 3 sheets. 2017

– 9 – 15 груд. 2017

Фермер спить, а земля родить. Will the “ground” hen lay golden eggs? – February 3-9. 2018

Balance of “land” interests – April 14 – 20. 2018

The Golden Rule of Land Reform: “Seven Times to measure, and to cut once! .. ». – 26 trav. – June 1 2018

– 14 July h. – July 20 2018

There are many parties, one land. – July 13. – July 19 2019.


Українцы милийонеры / О.І. Blacksmiths // Day. – July 5, 2018.

Українське… «Эльдорадо» / О.І. Blacksmiths // Day. – September 7-8, 2018.

The land will make Ukrainians rich if … / О.І. Blacksmiths // Day. – October 10, 2018.

Освоення «цілини» …. / О.І. Blacksmiths // Day. – November 13, 2018.

Земельна реформа – це не рынок паїв … – 4 December 2018.

Не продается! / О.І. Kovalev // Day.– January 9, 2019.

У кого земля – ​​у того влада! . Blacksmiths // Day. – January 31, 2019.

«Нові курсы… > Blacksmiths // Day. – February 27, 2019.

“Green” land market – can “blacken” … / OI Blacksmiths // Day. – August 7, 2019. – № 140 – P. 8.

Blacksmiths // Day. – September 6-7, 2019. – № 161-162 – P. 10.

Land reform and constitutional pragmatism / О.І. Blacksmiths // Day. – October 1, 2019. – № 178 – P. 8-9.

Don’t simplify, Mr. President! / О.І. Blacksmiths // Day. – November 13, 2019. – № 208 – С. 9.

How to become an owner? Step-by-step instructions / О.І. Blacksmiths // Day. – January 14, 2020. – № 4 – P. 8-9.

How to become an owner? Step-by-step instructions / О.І. Blacksmiths // Day. – January 13, 2020. – № 178 – P. 8-9.

Six bases of “constitutional pragmatism” / О.І. Blacksmiths // Day. – February 20, 2020. – № 31 – P. 8-9.

“Market” that will break Constitution / О.І. Blacksmiths // Day. – April 30, 2020. – № 79 – P. 8.

The department trains graduate students in the specialty 08.00.06 – Economics of Nature Management and Environmental Protection.
The department is accompanied by the publication of a scientific-practical journal: “ “Balanced nature management
In the framework of international relations, the department expands bilateral cooperation with foreign scientific and educational institutions, including the Council for Research and Experiments in Agriculture (Rome, Italy), the Institute of Agricultural Economics and Food – State Research Institute (Warsaw, Poland). State University of Land Management (Moscow, Russia), Belarusian State Agricultural Academy (Gorki, Belarus).
Within the framework of cooperation, joint research is carried out, preparations are being made for the publication of joint educational and methodological developments.
Researchers of the department take an active part in international scientific and practical conferences, symposiums, seminars.
The development of international relations and the expansion of the range of activities of international cooperation testifies to the recognition and growing authority of the Department of Environmental Economics in the agro-sphere in the international scientific arena.

Department Subdivisions:

Rural Development Sector