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Laboratory of virus ecology and biosafety named after academic A.L. Boiko

Head of Laboratory
Tsvigun Victoriya

PhD in Biology

ORCID: 0000-0002-9517-9810
Google Scholar: Tsvigun_Viktoriya

ServicesAchievementsSCIENTIFIC TOPICS:PublicationsResearch



  • implementation of basic and applied research in the field of environmental biosafety;
  • monitoring and diagnosing crops, trees, shrubs, medicinal plants for the presence of viral diseases circulating in Ukraine;
  • establishing ways of spreading viral pathogens in a certain area or greenhouse;
  • development of diagnostic kits (test systems) for virus detection based on enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay;
  • development of recommendations for measures to combat and prevent viral diseases;
  • testing of planting and seed material for viral pathogens.


Laboratory staff monitored plants for viral infections. As a result of this work, the following viral pathogens were detected: tobacco mosaic virus, cucumber mosaic virus, yellow zucchini mosaic virus, watermelon mosaic virus-2, tomato mosaic virus, ylarvirus, carlavirus.

Joint research of the laboratory and the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine on the prevention of viral infections of plants using the composition of fungi Basidiomycetes. This development has been tested at the Skvyra Research Station (buckwheat, soybeans, sunflowers, tomatoes) and is being registered.

To prevent viral plant diseases, we have proposed the use of simulated microgravity as an effective measure in plant health. Installation of the wedge model “Ecologist” was developed by Academician AL Boyko and made by specialists of the NSC Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture NAAS. With the help of the microgravity process reduces the content of viral antigens in diseased plants by 1.5-2.3 times. Both diseased and healthy plants can be used for recovery, as healthy plants become resistant to other diseases.

Scientists of the laboratory have obtained polyconal rabbit antisera, which are used for enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and allow to diagnose viral infection in seeds, planting material and at different stages of plant vegetation.


Electron microscopy of viruses


Tobacco mosaic virus

Tobacco mosaic virus

Cucumber mosaic virus

Cucumber mosaic virus


Research Program 03 “Agroecology”

Task F. 0111U001975 “Develop methods for diagnosing viruses of agricultural plants and determine their impact on seed quality”

Ф. 0116U002330 “Estimation of resistance of crops involved in selection-genetic, biotechnological processes to TMB isolates (Tobamovirus)”.


  1. Ecological safety of agro-industrial production: monograph / edited by OI Furdichka, A.L. Fight. K .: GAI. 2013.-416 p.
  2. Boyko A. Diagnosis of seed viral infection of vegetable crops / Boyko A., Opryshko N., TsvigunV., Orlovskaya G.// Agroecological Journal. – 2015. – №3. – P. 93-97.
  3. Boyko AL Nikityuk Yu.A. Economic evaluation of hop raw materials under the conditions of viral infection ∕∕ Balanced nature management № 4 • 2015 С 31-38
  4. Boyko AL Paradoxes of virology / Bulletin of Agrarian Science №10. – 2016 – P43-46
  5. Tsvigun VO Establishment of strain affiliation of Ukrainian isolates of yellow zucchini mosaic virus and their spread on the territory of Ukraine / Tsvigun VO Rudneva TO, Shevchenko TP, Budzanivska IG, Polishchuk VP // Biopolymers and Cell. 2016. Vol. 32. N P 235–241
  6. Boyko AL, Nikityuk Yu.A., Sologub Yu.O. Monitoring and ecological substantiation of harmfulness of viral diseases of medicinal plants in the forest ecosystems of Polissya. // Bulletin of the Zhytomyr National Agrarian University №2 (56), Vol. 1.-2016, pp. 328-344
  7. Boiko A., Chabaniuk Ya., Boiko O., Orlovskyi A., Melnychuk O., Tsvihun V. General method of bacteria, their phages and other pathogens detection in fungi and plants. Agroecological journal. 2017. № 1. S. 131–133
  8. Orlovsky AV, Boyko AA, Sus NP, Tsvigun VO Bacterial and viral foci of diseases of woody plants of forest biocenoses. Agroecological journal. 2017. № 4. S. 114–117
  9. Boyko AL, Spivak M.Ya., Boyko O.A., Rudyk R.I., Chabaniuk Ya.V., Sus N.P., Solohub Y.O., Tsvihun V.O., Orlovskyi A.V. Economically profitable novel quality evaluation method for raw hop ( Humulus lupulus L.) Bioresources and nature management. 2018. T. 10. № 3–4. Pp. 5–10
  10. Boyko AA, Tsvigun VO Distribution of bacteriosis induced by Erwinia amylovora in different species of plants of biocenoses of Polissya under the conditions of contamination of the pathogen by bacteriophage. Agroecological journal. 2018. № 2. S. 93–97.
  11. Influence of modeled microgravity on tobacco mosaic virus / Sus NP, Orlovskyi AV, Boyko OA, Tsvigun VO, Boyko AL / Ecology and noospherology № 29 (2). Pp. 138-141
  12. Demyanyuk OS, Boyko AL The land needs strategic analysis Bulletin of Agrarian Science 2019 № 2 P. 82-85
  13. Boyko AA, Tsvigun VO Distribution of bacteriosis induced by Erwinia amylovora in different species of plants of biocenoses of Polissya under the conditions of contamination of the pathogen by bacteriophage. Agroecological journal. 2018. № 2. S. 93–97.
  14. Pozhilov I., Rudneva T., Shevchenko T., Shevchenko O., Tsvigun V. Phylogenetic analysis of the capsid protein gene of tomato mosaic virus isolates circulating in Ukraine. Bulletin of the Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv. Ser: Biology. 2019.


Laboratory staff performs basic and applied research in the field of environmental biosafety. Plants are monitored and diagnosed for the presence of viral diseases circulating in Ukraine. Guidelines for measures to control and prevent viral diseases are being developed.

Ecologist Clinic for Plant Health

 Laboratory work

We test samples using Polymerase Chain Reaction


The laboratory has modern logistics, in particular, thermostat, light microscope, spectrophotometer, amplifier (PCR machine), kninostat “Ecologist”, etc., which allows not only to carry out a wide range basic and applied research in the field of environmental biosafety, but also to develop practical methodologies and recommendations for measures to combat viral diseases and their prevention.