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Laboratory of Aerospace Sensing Agrosphere

Head of the laboratory
Tetiana Ilienko

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences
Author of 84 scientific papers, including 3 collective monographs, 14 methodical recommendations, and 1 manual. Research interests: Earth remote sensing, agroecology, agronomy, soil science, forest ecology, general ecology


  1. conducting basic research and applied developments in the field of remote sensing of agricultural landscapes, as well as in related fields of knowledge;
  2. development of modern methodology of remote sensing, mathematical and methodological tools following international standards and recommendations;
  3. conducting exploratory and applied research and development focused on modern methodology and technology of collection, processing, storage, generalization and dissemination of aerospace information about processes and phenomena occurring in the agrosphere;
  4. research of methods of thematic processing of remote sensing data from space;
  5. adaptation and implementation in the practice of remote monitoring of agricultural resources of the world and European experience, recommendations and standards in the field of solving thematic problems using remote sensing;
  6. development of the remote sensing methodology for ecological assessment of the structure and state of agricultural landscapes; estimation of soil erosion degradation; monitoring of erosion-hazardous lands; identification of critical phenomena in agricultural lands; assessment of the impact of climate change on the agroecosystem productivity


Chief Researcher
Alexander Tarariko

Academician of NAAS, Professor, Laureate of the State Prize, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine.
Author of more than 290 scientific papers, including several monographs and manuals, more than 15 methodical recommendations, and patents for inventions. Research interests: Earth remote sensing, agroecology, agronomy, agrochemistry, soil science, forest ecology, general ecology

Senior researcher
Tetyana Kuchma

candidate of agricultural sciences.
Author of more than 90 scientific works, including 3 collective monographs, 15 methodical recommendations, and 5 manuals. Research interests: Earth remote sensing, agroecology, agronomy, agrochemistry, soil science, forest ecology, forestry, general ecology

Senior researcher
Nadiya Adamchuk-Chala

doctor of biological sciences,
Laureate of the Prize of the President of Ukraine for young scientists, awarded the badge “Astronaut Kadenyuk’s Star”.
Author of more than 90 scientific papers, including 2 collective monographs and methodical recommendations.
Research interests: space biology, cytoecology, agroecology, precision phyto – technologies in the agro-industrial complex

Senior specialist
Olena Bilokin

Author of 13 scientific papers.
Research interests: Earth remote sensing, agroecology, agronomy, agrochemistry, soil science, forest ecology, general ecology

ServicesR&DAchievementsScientific papersMain publicationsResearch
  1. Ecological assessment of the structure of agricultural landscapes
  2. Determining the structure, area and condition of land and agriculture. lands
  3. Operational control and assessment of the state of crops, including moisture supply
  4. Identification of critical phenomena in agricultural landscapes
  5. Control of crop rotation
  6. Estimation of soil erosion degradation
  7. Monitoring of erosion-hazardous lands, determination of humus content
  8. Identification of areas of flooding and waterlogging
  9. Providing consulting services
  10. Organization and holding of exercises, seminars, round tables,

Laboratory staff performs basic, applied and exploratory research. From 2021, scientific tasks related to SRP 07 “Satellite agri-environmental monitoring, agro-resource management and forecasting the impact of climate change on the productivity of agroecosystems” (Agrocosmos), in particular

  1. Tasks of basic research “Scientific and methodological principles of satellite monitoring of desertification of zonal agricultural landscapes” №SR 0121U108885 (supervisor -.Doctor of Agrarian sciences., Academician O. Tarariko)
  2. Tasks of applied research “Determination of erosive degraded agricultural landscapes on the materials of satellite imagery” 01SR 0121U109801 (supervisor – Doctor of Agrarian sciences., Academician O. Tarariko)
  3. Tasks of applied research “Forecasting the impact of climate change on the productivity of cereals based on satellite data: regional aspect” №SR 0121U108886 (supervisor – Ph.D., T.Ilienko)
  4. Tasks of applied research “Comparative analysis of the results of satellite and ground monitoring of moisture supply of agroecosystems in the Steppe zone” №SR 0121U109800 (supervisor – Ph.D. T.Ilienko)

From 2016 to 2020, the laboratory performed scientific tasks related to SRP 06. ” Scientific and ecological bases of formation of balanced agro-ecosystems of Ukraine in the context of global climate change” (Agroecology) and SRP 41 “Ecological and economic principles of balanced agricultural production and use of natural resources of the agrosphere “(Economics of Nature), in particular:

  1. the basic research 00.02.01.F. “Aerospace monitoring of the transformation of agricultural landscapes and land-use systems in the context of climate change”, SR№ 0116U00741 (supervisor – Doctor of Agrarian sciences., Academician O. Tarariko) ;
  2. the applied research 00.01.04.P. ” To develop scientific and methodological bases of economic assessment of the innovative provision of ecosystem services in the agricultural sector”, SR № 0116 U 000701 (supervisor – Doctor of Economics, O. Kovalev);
  3. the exploratory research 00.04.08. F.P.Sh. ” Detection of foci and spread of drying of forest stands of Scots pine due to apical bark beetle using remote sensing methods “, SR №0119 U001092 (supervisor – Doctor of Agrarian sciences V. Landin );
  4. the exploratory research F.PSH “Assessment of ecosystem services of agricultural landscapes according to remote sensing of the Earth”, SR 0119U000106 (supervisor – Ph.D. T. Kuchma).
  1. “Scientific and methodological principles for creating a national network of agricultural test sites ” have been developed
  2. Recommendations “Assessment of the impact of climate change on the agro-ecosystems productivity based on satellite data” have been developed
  3. Satellite desertification indicators are systematized and requirements for satellite data for monitoring desertification of zonal agrolandscapes and modes of their production are substantiated
  4. Satellite indicators of the spatial distribution of soil erosion degradation are determined
  5. The main groups of indicators for assessing the impact of climate change on the condition and productivity of cereals, which can be determined by satellite imagery, are substantiated.
  6. “Methodological recommendations for the detection of foci and the spread of drying of forest plantations of Scots pine due to apical bark beetle using remote sensing methods”.
  7. “Methodology for forecasting the impact of climate change on the productivity of agroecosystems by remote sensing data ” has been developed.
  8. The list of remote indicators of agrolandscapes transformation, which should be included in the monitoring system, is determined. The structure of the database of these indicators has been developed, and the impact of climate change on the agrolandscapes of the test areas of the Forest-Steppe zone has been assessed according to these indicators.
  9. Developed three methods of valuation of ecosystem services using remote sensing data and innovative GIS technologies based on three different approaches: production-consumer, pressure-response method, and matrix method of classification of land cover types for assessment of ecosystem services.
  10. Developed, tested and implemented “Scientific and methodological foundations of economic evaluation of the innovative provision of ecosystem services in the agricultural sector”, dedicated to improving methods of evaluation of ecosystem services by applying the method of integrated mapping of biophysical parameters of ecosystems.
  11. Information and analytical materials for the parliamentary hearings on “Implementation in Ukraine of international documents on the prevention of anthropogenic climate change” have been
  12. Proposals to the strategic document “Priorities on Climate Change Prevention and Climate Change Adaptation in Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Ukraine until 2030. The implementation plan until 2023” have been developed.
  13. Proposals and their substantiation for the draft resolution of the Presidium of NAAS dated June 20, 2018 “Peculiarities of agricultural production in the conditions of climate change” were developed.
  14. Information and analytical materials on the state of crops and moisture conditions are regularly provided to NAAS and the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine
  15. Remote sensing of the Earth from space. Ground data on control of crop condition and crop productivity. General provisions: DSTU 7307: 2013. – [Effective from 2014-01-01] .– Kyiv: Ministry of Economic Development of Ukraine, 2014. – 18
  16. Remote sensing of the Earth from space. Ground surveys of crops. Classifier of objects and functions: SOU 01.1-37-907: 2011 [Effective from 2011-01-08]. – Kyiv: Ministry of Agrarian Policy, 2011. – 12 p.

Since 2012, several PhD theses and doctoral dissertations have been defended, and postgraduate and doctoral students are studying.

Many conferences, discussions, seminars, and workshops were organized, including a discussion on “The use of satellite data in scientific and industrial activities of agriculture” (June 4, 2019, in the agro-industrial exhibition in Ukraine and Eastern Europe “AGRO-2019” ).

Monographs, manuals

  1. Scientific bases of sustainable development of agroecosystems of Ukraine. Ecological safety of agro-industrial production. Vol.1: Monograph / Ed. OI Furdichka. – К.: DІА, 2012. – 352p
  2. Ecological and economic bases of balanced development of agrosphere of Kyiv region: monograph / edited by Acad. OI Furdichka. – К .: DІА, 2015, – 736 p.
  3. Tarariko OG SWOT -analysis and analysis of gaps ( GAP -analysis) of policies, programs, plans and legislation in the field of agriculture and preparation of recommendations for their improvement following the provisions of the Rio Conventions / O.G. Tararik – Kherson: FOP Green DS, 2016. – 104 p
  4. Bogomaz MV, Vasilyuk OV, Zavorotna GV, Kuchma TL, Nekrasova OD, Peregrim MM, Pliga AV, Polyanskaya KV, Pishnyak D .V., Beautiful EP The Priirpinnia and Chernechy Forest National Nature Park has been designed ”(edited by E. Prekrasna). – Kyiv: UNCG, II Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology. – 2016. – 76 pp., With appendix.
  5. Zabaluev VO, Balaev AD, Tarariko OG Soil protection and reproduction of their fertility. Teaching manual. – Kharkiv, ed. FOP Brovi, 2017, 348 p.
  6. Tarariko OG, Sirotenko OV, Kuchma TL, Ilienko TV Aerospace monitoring of desertification and land degradation / science. method . manual ed. OI Furdichka. – K., 2017. – 89 p.
  7. Bogomaz M. , B. Asilyuk O., Zavorotna G., Kuchma T., Nekrasova OD, Peregrim MM, Pliga A. B. , Polyanska K. B. , Pishnyak D. B. ., Beautiful EP Designed National Nature Park “Priirpinnia and Monastic Forest”, 2nd edition, supplemented and revised (edited by E. Prekrasnaya) / Series: “ Conservation Biology in Ukraine ». – issue 7. – K .: UNCG , Institute of Zoology. II Schmalhausen. – 2018. – 86 p
  8. G. Tarariko, T.V. Ilienko, TL Kuchma. Ways to achieve a neutral level of soil erosion in agricultural landscapes of Ukraine / Monitoring and indicators of a neutral level of land degradation in Ukraine. Collection of articles // ed. L.D. Protsenka. – Space-M, 2018.- p.55-67 (96 p.).
  9. Agroecological satellite monitoring: monograph / O.G. Tarariko, OV Sirotenko, TV Ilienko, TL Kuchma.– K .: Agrarian Science, 2019.– 204 p.
  10. Fundamentals of remote sensing of the Earth: history and practical application: method. way. / SO Dovgy, VI Lyalko, SM Babiychuk, TL Kuchma, OV Tomchenko, L. Ya. Yurkov. – Kyiv: Institute of Gifted Children of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, 2019. – 316 pp., ISBN: 978-617-7734-01-6.
  11. Fundamentals of Remote Sensing: History and Practice: Guidance Manual / SO Dovgyi, VI Lialko, SM Babiichuk, TL Kuchma, OV Tomchenko, L.Ya. Iurkiv; translation from Ukrainian O. Savychenko, O.Oleshko – K .: Institute of Gifted Child of the NAPS of Ukraine, 2019. – 316 pages. ISBN 978 ‑6177734054.
  12. Precession phytotechnologies in the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine: Monograph / L.V. Aniskevich, D.G. Войтюк, С.М. Wieger, N.I. Adamchuk, F.M. Zakharin, S.A. Ponomarenko, MM Ключевич. Kyiv: NULES of Ukraine, 2019. 798 p.
  13. Adamchuk-Chala NI Express monitoring of the formation of plant-microbial systems in the training of specialists in the aerospace industry. Strategic guidelines for the development of the National Aviation University in a dynamic educational environment: a collection of articles and materials / ed. V.M. Isaenko.- K .: NAU, 2019. -S. 211 -215.
  14. Experimental soil microbiology: monograph / V.V. Волкогон, О.В. Nadkernicna, L.M. Tokmakova, TM Мельничук, Л.О. Tchaikovsky, SP Nadkernychny, MK Sherstoboev, SF Kozar, E.P. Kopilov, DV Krutilo, T.Yu. Parkhomenko, IO Kameneva, NI Adamchuk-Chala, T.M. Kovalevskaya, S.V. Didovich, KI Volkogon, IM Pischur, M.V. Volkogon, S.B. Dimova, MS A lump; For science. ed. V. Wolverine. -K .: Agrarian. Science, 2010. -p. 464. (writing section 4 ” Microscopic methods of research of microorganisms “).
  15. Fundamentals of remote sensing of the Earth: workbook. Part 2. / M. Babiychuk, L.Ya. Юрків, О.В. Tomchenko, TL Hairy fur cap. Kyiv: National Center “Small Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”, 2021

Methodical, scientific and practical recommendations

  1. Methods of performing experimental work on aerospace monitoring of the transformation of agrolandscapes and land-use systems in climate change / [O.G. Tarariko, T.V. Ilienko, TL Kuchma, O.A. Bilokin, OG Izuymova]. – K., 2016. – 15 p.
  2. Kuchma TL, Ilchuk VP, Kovalev OI Tarariko OG, Ilienko TV, Bilokin OA Scientific and methodological bases of integrated assessment of innovative provision of ecosystem services in the agricultural sector – K., 2018. – 25 p.
  3. Methodical recommendations for the detection of foci and the spread of drying of forest plantations of Scots pine due to apical bark beetle using remote sensing methods / L. Kuchma, VP Landin, I.K. Швиденко, Л.А. Raychuk, MS Umansky, VV Gurelya, M.Yu. Tarariko, VL Solomko, VP Feshchenko . – К .: ДІА, 2019. – 16 с.
  4. Methods for forecasting the impact of climate change on the productivity of agroecosystems according to remote sensing / OG Tarariko, T.V. Ilienko, TL Kuchma, O.A. Bilokin. – K. 2019. – 19 p.
  5. Monitoring of transformation of agrolandscapes and forecast assessment of the productivity of agroecosystems in the conditions of climate change according to remote sensing data: methodical recommendations / О.Г. Tarariko, T.V. Ilienko. T.L. Kuchma, N.I. Adamchuk-Chala, O.A. Bilokin. K .:Institute of Agroecology and Nature ManagementNAAS, 2020 – 20 p.
  6. Assessing the impact of climate change on the productivity of agroecosystems based on satellite data: recommendations. OG Tarariko, TV Ilienko, TL Kuchma, OA Bilokin. Kyiv: Agrarian Science, 2021. 40 p.

Scientific articles

  1. G. Tarariko OG Formation of balanced systems of land use and soil protection in the context of global climate change /O.G. Tarariko, T.V. Ilienko / Ways to increase the efficiency of land use in modern conditions / ed. Dr. S.F. Kaminsky. – Kyiv: VP “Edelweiss”, 2016. P.23-34.
  2. G. Tarariko, T.V. Ilienko, TL Kuchma. Formation of sustainable land use and soil protection systems: relevance and problems in modern conditions // Ukrainian Geographical Journal. – 2016. – №3. – P. 56–60. http : // dx . doi . org /10.15407/ ugz 2016.03.056
  3. Tarariko OG Influence of climate change on productivity and gross harvest of grain crops: analysis and forecast / O.G. Tarariko, T.V. Ilienko, TL Kuchma // Ukrainian Geographical Journal. – 2016. – №1. – P. 14–22. http : // dx . doi . org /10.15407/ ugz 01.014
  4. Kuchma, Tetyana (2016): Landscape metrics sensitivity to input satellite data resolution.// Proceedings of Proba-V Symposium, Ghent, Belgium, January 26-28, 2016figshare. https://dx.doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.2074954.v1
  5. Kuchma, Tetyana (2016): Combined use of SAR and optical satellite images for landscape diversity assessment.Proceedings of the ‘Living Planet Symposium 2016’, Prague, Czech Republic, 9-13 May 2016. https://dx.doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.3385666.v1
  6. Ilienko T. Evaluation of crops moisture provision by space remote sensing data.// Proceedings of the ‘Living Planet Symposium 2016’, Prague, Czech Republic, 9-13 May 2016. https://dx.doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.3385666.v1
  7. Ilienko T. Crop moisture content monitoring using satellite data // Proba-V Symposium, 26-28 January 2016, Ghent, Belgium.
  8. JurajLieskovsk ý, P á lBal á zs , DominikKaim , Martin Bolti ž iar , Mateusz Chmiel , EwaGrabska , Lubo š Halada , G é zaKir á ly , É vaKonkoly – Gyur ó, JacekKozak , Qatar and na Kysuck á, TetyanaKuchma , Tobias Kuemmerle , Peter Mackov č in , MatejMojses , Catalina Munteanu , Krzysztof Ostafin , KatarzynaOstapowicz , OleksandraShandra , Volker _ Radeloff (2016) Historical land covers dataset of the Carpathian region : data , metadata , availability . Proceedings of the 4h Forum Carpaticum: Future of the Carpathians: Smart, Sustainable, Inclusive, Bucharest, Romania, 28 – 30 September, 2016 .
  9. Tarariko OG Erosion degradation of soils of Ukraine under the influence of climate change / OG Tarariko, TL Kuchma, TV Ilienko, OS Demyanyuk // Agroecological Journal. – 2017. – № 1. – P. 7-15
  10. Tarariko OG Achieving the neutral level of soil degradation in erosively dangerous agrolandscapes of Ukraine / OG Tarariko, OG Izyumova // Agroecological Journal. – 2017. – № 2. – P. 117-126
  11. OH Tarariko, TV Ilienko, TL Kuchma, VA Velychko. Long-Term Prediction Of Climate Change Impact On The Productivity Of Grain Crops In Ukraine Using Satellite Data // Agricultural Science and Practice, 2017, Vol. 4, no. 2, R.3-13
  12. G. Tararico, T.V. Ilyenko, TL Kuchma. Ways to achieve a neutral level of soil erosion degradation in the agricultural landscapes of Ukraine / Development of ways to achieve a neutral level of land degradation and the establishment of appropriate national targets. Publications. Interecocenter. UNCCD .
  13. Kuchma T. Environmental damage assessment of conflict-affected coastal waters in Eastern Ukraine using ocean color // Third International Ocean Color Science Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal, 15-18 May 2017 ( http://iocs.ioccg.org/wp-content /uploads/2017/05/abstracts-iocs-2017-all-10may2017.pdf ), https://figshare.com/articles/Environmental_damage_assessment_of_conflict-affected_coastal_waters_in_Eastern_Ukraine_using_ocean_colour/5212954 .
  14. Kuchma T. Soil moisture mapping using SMAP and Sentinel-1 data // 10th International Workshop on “Advances in the Science and Applications of SAR Interferometry and Sentinel-1 InSAR” (FRINGE 2017), Helsinki, Finland, 5-9 June 2017 http://fringe.esa.int/files/Fringe2017_Abstract_Book_FINAL.pdf )
  15. Juraj Lieskovsk , Dominik Kaim , Pál _ _ Bal á zs , Martin Bolti ž iar , Mateusz Hops , Ewa Grabska , G e za Kir á ly , É va Konkoly – Gyur ó, Jacek Kozak , Qatar and on Antalov , Tetyana Kuchma , Peter Mackov č in , Matej Moses , Catalina Munteanu , Krzysztof Ostafin , Katarzyna Ostapowicz , Oleksandra Shandra , Premysl Stych & Volker _ Radeloff (2018) Historical land use dataset of the Carpathian region (1819–1980), Journal of Maps , 14: 2, 644-651, DOI : 10.1080 / 17445647.2018.1502099
  16. Long-time changes of the thermal continentality index; the amplitudes and the phase of seasonal temperature variation in Ukraine / S. Boychenko, V. Voloshchuk, T. Kuchma, N. Serdyuchenko // Geofizicheskiy Zhurnal, 2018 – volume 40 issue 3. pages 81-96 https: // doi. org / 10.24028 / gzh.0203-3100.v40i3.2018.137175
  17. Satellite agroecological monitoring within the system of sustainable environmental management / OH Tarariko, TV Ilienko, TL Kuchma, IO Novakovska // sci. pract. 2019; 6 (1): 18-27 ,https://doi.org/10.15407/agrisp6.01.018
  18. Retrospective Analysis and Current State for Pinus sylvestris L. var. cretacea Kalen. in the “Kreidova Flora” Branch of Ukrainian Steppe Nature Reserve / Yuliia Spinova, Tetyana Kuchma, Iryna Vyshenska // Journal of Environmental Research, Engineering and Management, Vol. 75 (No. 4), 2019, pp. 40-46, DOI 10.5755 / j01.erem.75.4.23858
  19. Babiichuk S. Implementation of Science Education Principles at the Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Using Remote Sensing Data / Svitlana Babiichuk, Liliia Iurkiv, Olha Tomchenko, Tetyana Kuchma // Theory and Practice of Science Education, Volume 1, Issue 1, 2019, p. 52-62.
  20. Estimation of forest ecosystem services according to the data of remote sensing of the Earth / О.І. Furdychko, OI Drebot, T.L. Kuchma, TV Ilienko // Agroecological Journal. – 2019. – № 4.– P.6-16
  21. Proximal sensing of soil biological activity for precision agriculture / V Adamchuk, F Reumont, J Kaur, J Whalen, N Adamchuk-Chala // Advances in Animal Biosciences 8 (2), 406-411
  22. Adamchuk-Chala NI, Kopylov EP, Yatsenko VO Changes in the structural and functional organization of the photosynthetic apparatus of spring wheat plants under the action of diazotrophs of the genus / Nauk . Visn. Kharkiv National University named after V.N. Karazina. 2014; –Ser. Biol., Issue. 21: 92–96 (conducting laboratory experiments, summarizing research results, forming conclusions, writing an article).
  23. Adamchuk V., Reumont F., Kaur J., Whalen J., Adamchuk-Chala NI Proximal sensing of soil biological activity for precision agricultural. Advances in animal Biosciences: Precision Agriculture (ECPA). 2017 ; 8 (2): 406–411.
  24. Adamchuk-Chala NI Express monitoring of the formation of plant-microbial systems in the training of specialists in the aerospace industry. Strategic guidelines for the development of the National Aviation University in a dynamic educational environment: a collection of articles and materials / ed. V.M. Isaenko.- K .: NAU, 2019. -S. 211 -215.
  25. Influence forest fires on vegetable covering radioactive contaminated territories / In . _ Landin , O. _ Mr. _ Tishchenko , V. _ In . Gurelya , T. _ L. _ Kuchma , V. _ P. _ Feshchenko .­ Agroecological Journal, 2021, 1, 68-‌80
  26. Radioecological zoning of landscapes as a kind of forecast radioecological monitoring / Kuchma, T., Raichuk, L., Shvydenko I. ­Grail nauki, 2021, 4, 166-171
  27. Comfortable climatic conditions for human on the territory of Ukraine for the period 1991-2020 / Boychenko, O. Zabarna, T. Kuchma ­ Geofizicheskiy Zhurnal, 2021, 4
  28. Adamchuk-Chala NI, Yatsenco VO, Baranovsky MM, Boyko JV, Adamchuk VI Determination of soil heterogeneity by precision farming methods // Ukrainian Journal of Ecology.- 2020, 10 (6) .- P. 42-47. doi: 10.15421 / 2020_255
  29. Adamchuk N., Chala Y. Microcenosis of Arabidopsis thaliana cv Columbia under artificial conditions // Journl of Marine Biology and Environmental Sciences.- 2021, Volume 3, Issue 1.- P. 1-5. ISSN 2694-5924 DOI: https://doi.org/10.36266/JMBES/110
  30. Balabukh, V., Tarariko, O., Ilienko, T., & Velychko, V. (2021). Influence of changes in air temperature on crop productivity formation in Ukraine at the turn of XX – XXI centuries (1981–2010). Agricultural Science and Practice, 8 (3), 71-87. https://doi.org/10.15407/agrisp8.03.071
  31. Soil erosion as a factor of desertification of agrolandscapes of Ukraine / О.Г. Tararico, T.V. Ilyenko, TL Kuchma, O.A. Bilokin // Agroecological Journal, 2021, 3. P. 6-16
  32. Drebot O., Tarariko O., Ilienko T., Kuchma T. Formation of a network of test sub-satellite landfills in the system of agroecological monitoring // Bulletin of Agricultural Science. Volume 100. № 5 (2022): 70-82, https://doi.org/10.31073/agrovisnyk202205
  33. Furdychko O., Tarariko O., Ilienko T., Kokovikhin S., Solokha M. Scientific and methodological principles of remote agroecological monitoring and forecasting // Bulletin of Agricultural Science. Volume 100. № 4 (2022): 70-82, https://doi.org/10.31073/agrovisnyk202204
  34. Karamushka, V .; Boychenko, S.; Kuchma, T.; Zabarna, O. Trends in the Environmental Conditions, Climate Change and Human Health in the Southern Region of Sustainability 2022, 14, 5664. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14095664
  35. – Chala I. _ Using Global Positioning Devices and Geographic Information Systems in Development of Agricultural Pressure Technologies / Publishing Series “Współczesna Navigacja” TOM IV, Usage of Navigation Navigation Techniques, Lottery II, Part II: 79-87.